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Aldrich Spectral Viewer (NMR Database) Aldrich spectra are widely used to study organic and inorganic compounds. In this application, the molecular mass is calculated from the peak area of selected spectral lines for a given compound. The software can be used to map out molecules’ chemical properties at their molecular level from NMR spectra. With addition of the molecular masses assigned to the spectral lines, the relationship between mass and NMR chemical shifts, commonly known as the Hill equation, can be computed. The molecular mass assignment of spectra is done using SADAT software which is integrated with the Aldrich Spectral Viewer.Home Chemistry Trainer for Aldrich Software© - A necessary online tutorial course to learn how to use Aldrich Spectral Viewer (AMS) for spectral analysis on line or in computer. HyperChem - The HyperChem server-based program provides flexible integration with other tools, image processing capabilities and almost unlimited data storage capacity. MSMS - MSMS is a free, Windows-based NMR viewer that supports many of the most widely used NMR spectroscopy data formats. 1. Structural Classification of Organic Compounds by Molecular Spectra: Theory and Practice - Richard A. Neeman and Richard J. O'Shea; ISBN 0-471-22507-3; ©2003 John Wiley and Sons (John Wiley and Sons (Publishers) Ltd.) . (ISBN: 978-1-848645-17-9)2. Introduction to JSpecView (NMR-database) 3. Aldrich Spectral Viewer (NMR Database).(2006). Retrieved May 6, 2006, from 4. James R. Cheek 5. Amersham Pharmacia Biotech Products Catalogue 2005 ©2005 Amersham Biosciences Ltd, Little Chalfont Buckinghamshire HP7 9NA, United Kingdom 6. Strategic Applications of the Spectral Viewsoft Ensemble by Huynh Nguyen Huu, Pham Quang Hung and David Maar JSpecView 2007; 2007: 1–12 | doi:10 . 5334/jspecview-07-13 7. NMR Spectroscopies: Applications of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Drug Design and Biological Structure Analysis (ISBN 0-8247-6427-3) - Vol. 2, 3rd Edition; Published by Academic Press (Springer). (ISBN: 9780123838429) 8. Molecular Spectroscopy with the Aldrich Real Spectrum Suite - Aldrich Chemical Company 9. J.P.D. Furness, NMR Part 2; ©1994, ISBN 0–521–44676–5 (from Wiley Online Library) . ( ) . cfa1e77820